ELT final version
FJU Excellence Program:
Language Teaching and bilingual Environment
FJU as English Language Theatre
Transformation through English
Collaboration 共創
Dramatization 戲劇
Digitalization 數位
Situation 情境
Proposed by Llyn Scott, Albert Tang
預算需求(Budget): 5,460,000
英語校園劇場整體說明:Main Principles
English Language Theater (ELT) at FJU
Edu-tainment on Stage – Teaching Philosophy for English Language Theater and Collaborative Arts Proposal
FJU students and/or teachers who desire to enhance their English language facility through English Language Theater (and Collaborative Arts) are eligible and will benefit from instruction, coaching, and mentor/modeling by a combination of teachers with advanced academic degrees in the specified areas of instruction, i.e., collaborative arts including English and theater and professional guest lecturers and workshop facilitators from the local metropolitan and international communities.
The basic aims of ELT are
(1) 提升同學接受度,讓每個同學,僅管英語程度不一,都能夠從情緒、感官、好奇心等意識、集中力等開始。
to enhance student receptivity to learning by engaging the consciousness (emotions, senses, and curiosity), conscience, and concentration of every student at whatever starting level;
to enhance student performance competency by providing public (for an audience) multi-dimensional performance opportunities for any interested student and/or teacher;
to enhance the personality and individual t
to enhance the global, cultural, and aesthetic understanding of every participating student and/or teacher by supplying superior representative works, whether from literature, media, or other disciplines, as models and means for performances;
to identify and enhance gifted and t
With the university mission statement in mind, Campus Chapel Hour Broadcasts in English as other Christian schools. )
(6) 優秀師生和商業、教育、藝術與娛樂部門的接觸。
to enhance student and/or teacher cultural and financial perspectives through contact with the professional world of commerce, education, arts, and entertainment.
EXISTING FEATURES (classes and department programs) with a combination of English and performance, computer-assisted learning, and other media:
English Department Curriculum
Performing Arts class 3 credits
American Musical Theater class 3 credits
English Department Drama Performances
Senior Play 1 credit
Annual Play 0 credit
Mass Communications Department
Sophomore Play 2 credit
Media English 2 credit
General Education: Freshman English
Existing features from Music Department and other departments TBA
項目 總預算 5,640,000
1.英語話劇暑假營隊 700,000
ELT Summer Tour
2.校園英語劇場網路 320,000
FJU English Language Theater
on the Internet (40th Anniversary 1965-2005)
3. 校園新生,英語乾杯 140,000
Toastmaster Orientation
5.英語卓越教學工作坊 940,000
Excellence English Pilot Workshops and
TV/Webcasts with ELT and Collaborative Arts
7.輔仁溯源,英語史劇 1,000,000
FJU Documentary Radio Drama
輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(1) INNOVATION 1
** 英語話劇暑假營隊 ELT Summer Tour
(1) 內容說明:
為突顯輔仁英語教學卓越和輔仁英語校園的訴求,計畫呈現年度英語劇場成果—英文系年度大戲英語話劇Approaching Zanzibar, 能夠走出台灣,至北京進行實地演出。這項活動可以彰顯輔仁大學英語教育如何結合戲劇、文化元素的卓越特性,並嘗試與中國大陸的語言訓練進行交流活動,爾後 可以透過建構完成的英語話劇網站「輔仁沙龍」進行多邊交流。同時,由於活動企畫和執行均全由輔大師生完成,也替輔大各相關語言科系、共同外語科大一英文等 教學課程,提供可供參考、訪效的內容。
輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(2) INNOVATION 2
** 校園英語劇場網路
FJU English Language Theater on the Internet (40th Anniversary 1965-2005)
(1) 輔仁英語校園劇場的數位歷史暨專書出版
以互動網站連接到同學的感官經驗,建構獨一無二的英語影像互動經驗,呈現1965至今四十年來所有理圖校園劇場的展演歷史紀錄;其中更包括1991年以來二十五場精采演出實錄 (由英語系、百鍊中心、校外演出);
Digital FJU ELT Online Chronology and ELT Anniversary Book Publication
Launch play production history through video/audio clips, posters, and programs for all the English language productions beginning in 1965, with an in-depth visualization of 25+ outstanding productions since 1991, plus texts and video of recent theatre symposiums with professional guest speakers, including excerpts from the FJU international theater, opera, and dance conference at the China
所有資料均已妥善蒐集齊備。大量 平面和影像資料經過適當處理,即可建檔陳列,企畫以互動式多媒體網站呈現。透過網站架構和維護,可以建立一個由輔大歷年來師生共創的校園核心英語戲劇文化 資料庫,引發師生共創學和習互動的最佳示範成果,強化對西方文化素養的學習動力,藉以突顯並持續活化輔大這項難得且獨特的優秀傳統。
All materials are on-hand. Some articles and pictures need to be scanned and/or digitally photographed. DVD copies need to be edited to create video/audio clips.
Webmaster and professors-in-charge will design and launch the Website
Schedule: September to October, 2005
Online Webpage with Virtual Chronology Completion by September 2005
ELT Anniversary Book Publication by November 2005
(4) 預算 Budget: 320,000.
計畫主持人 Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 20,000
專書撰文 Book contributors 70,000
專書主編與校對 Book Editor/Proofreader 20,000
軟體程式 Software program 10,000
網站架設與維護 Webmaster 15,000
秘書助理 Secretarial Support 20,000
翻譯服務 Translation Services 10,000
交通費 Transportation 5,000
錄影與攝影 Video Camera, Photography 15,000
印刷費 Printing and Copying 5,000
封面設計 Book Cover Design and Graphics 25,000
出版費 ELT Book Publication by FJU Press 75,000
新聞發佈 Press Conference and Symposium 30,000
輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(3) INNOVATION 3
**校園新生,英語乾杯 Toastmaster Orientation
(2) 時程:2005年10月。 Schedule: October, 2005
相關系所。Facilities: On Site with participating departments
(3) 預算 Budget: 140,000
主持人 Albert Tang, Llyn Scott 20,000
英語健談社成員 and Toastmaster (Sterling Hsiao or Steve Tung) 10,000
2位顧問 2 ELT Consultants/Facilitators 10,000
英語健談社費用 Toastmaster Facilitator Fee 5,000
助理費 2 ELT Student Assistants Fee 5,000
錄影費用 Video camera staff 20,000
光碟製作費 DVD/VCD editing and copies 10,000
設備租用 Equipment Rental 5,000
教材 Teaching Materials 10,000
翻譯費 Translation Services 5,000
交通費 Transportation 5,000
點心膳食費 Food and water 5,000
輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(四) INNOVATION 4
Schedule: Shows recorded a month in advance; launch November 2005 and run through FJU Anniversary/Alumni Weekend in December
Facilities: SF MMC Recording Studios and FJU Radio Studio
預算 Budget 500,000
計畫主持 Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 20,000
節目主持人 Hosts: Llyn Scott, Albert Tang, Sr. Agathe Bramkamp 30,000
網站架設維護 Webmaster 20,000
錄影人員 Video camera crew 35,000
聲控人員 Microphone and audio crew 35,000
來賓車馬費 Speaker honoraria (7 Pilot Shows) 40,000
撰稿和翻譯費 Writing and Translation Services 35,000
後製工程 Post Production Engineering 70,000
電話扣應 Telephone call-in technicians 10,000
攝影 Photographer 10,000
電腦程式 Computer programming 10,000
錄影和照片資料 Video and photography materials 10,000
租用費用 Rental fees 25,000
聲音音樂版權 Sound and Music copyright materials fees 25,000
交通費 Transportation 5,000
印刷費 Printing and Copying 20,000
光碟設計 CD design and sleeve notes 20,000
光碟印刷 CD publishing 40,000
記者會 Press conferences and protocol 20,000
輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(五) INNOVATION 5
Excellence English Pilot Workshops and TV/Webcasts with ELT and Collaborative Arts
FJU Cable/Web-TV and live ELT and Collaborative Arts Winterim* Workshops
(4) 預算 Budget 940,000
工作坊人員 Webcast Workshops Personnel:
作者/導播 Writer/Directors: Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 20,000
協助教師 Teacher Facilitators 20,000
教師評審 Teacher Jury 10,000
助理 Teaching assistants 10,000
聲控 3 Sound Recording Technicians fees 30,000
舞台監督 2 Stage Managers 10,000
網站工程 2 Web engineers 10,000
錄影 2 Camera crew members 20,000
翻譯費 Translation Fees 10,000
誤餐費 Food and water 10,000
教學資料 Teaching materials 10,000
印刷費 Printing/Copying 10,000
光碟製作拷貝 DVD Post Production and Copies 60,000
小計 subtotal 240,000
聖誕展演 Christmas Pageant Production
人事費 Personnel
導演/ 製作 Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 40,000
25位演員/舞者費用 25 Christmas Pageant FJU Actor/Dancer Fees 25,000
5位音樂人員 5 Pageant Musician Fees 15,000
1位動物訓練費用 1 Pageant Animal Trainer Fees 5,000
道具媒體設計 Pageant Set/Media Designer Fees 5,000
服裝設計 Pageant Costumer Designer Fee 5,000
燈光設計 Pageant Lighting Designer Fee 5,000
錄影與攝影 Pageant Camera and video taping Crew Fees 60,000
製作 Production:
場景製作費用 Pageant Scenic Materials Production Cost 50,000
服裝製作 Pageant Costume Construction 50,000
燈光和聲音媒體租用Pageant Lighting and Sound Media rental 25,000
戶外舞台租用 1 Week Outdoor Pageant Stage rental 10,000
戶外媒體銀幕投影 1 Week Outdoor Media Screen and Projections rental 10,000
編寫和翻譯費 Writing and Translation Services 25,000
交通費 Transportation 25,000
輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(六) INNOVATION 6
人事費用 Personnel:
計畫主持 Design/Directors: Albert Tang, Llyn Scott 30,000
劇場負責人費用 Theater Coordinator FJU Salary 60,000
電腦程式設計 Computer Programmer 20,000辦公室人員 2 Office Staff (July to January) 130,000虛擬劇場導覽 Virtual Theatre Curator, 6-month full-time manager 180,000
錄影指導 Video Taping Instruction video tapes 50,000
光碟編輯出版 VCD and DVD editing and copying 30,000
輔大文化新聞記者 FJU Culture News Reporter/Programmer 20,000
攝影 Photographer 10,000
軟體程式設計 Software programs 10,000
翻譯費 Translation Services 50,000
展場資料 Exhibition Display Materials 100,000
交通費 Transportation 10,000
理圖迴廊重新佈置 Lobby/Gallery/Restrooms renovation costs 1,000,000
輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(七) INNOVATION 7
輔仁溯源,英語史劇 FJU Documentary Radio Drama