輔仁書寫 FJU Radio/ Drama/ Video Historiography

to make most of the ready resources in fu jen campus, and to intergrate participating colleges and departments, well-structured and interdisciplinary materials will soon be possible/available. visibility, accessbility, dramatization, creativity, pragmaticism are basic guiding principles, hopefully, result in a sound Multi-language, global village out of creativity, innovation and integration.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

ELT final version



FJU Excellence Program:

Language Teaching and bilingual Environment


FJU as English Language Theatre

Transformation through English

Collaboration 共創

Dramatization 戲劇

Digitalization 數位

Situation 情境


Proposed by Llyn Scott, Albert Tang

預算需求(Budget): 5,460,000

May 29, 2005
英語校園劇場整體說明:Main Principles


English Language Theater (ELT) at FJU



Edu-tainment on Stage – Teaching Philosophy for English Language Theater and Collaborative Arts Proposal


FJU students and/or teachers who desire to enhance their English language facility through English Language Theater (and Collaborative Arts) are eligible and will benefit from instruction, coaching, and mentor/modeling by a combination of teachers with advanced academic degrees in the specified areas of instruction, i.e., collaborative arts including English and theater and professional guest lecturers and workshop facilitators from the local metropolitan and international communities.


The basic aims of ELT are

(1) 提升同學接受度,讓每個同學,僅管英語程度不一,都能夠從情緒、感官、好奇心等意識、集中力等開始。

to enhance student receptivity to learning by engaging the consciousness (emotions, senses, and curiosity), conscience, and concentration of every student at whatever starting level;


to enhance student performance competency by providing public (for an audience) multi-dimensional performance opportunities for any interested student and/or teacher;


to enhance the personality and individual talents or aptitude of every student and/or teacher by cultivating interpersonal group dynamics, problem-solving teamwork, and altruistic leadership;


to enhance the global, cultural, and aesthetic understanding of every participating student and/or teacher by supplying superior representative works, whether from literature, media, or other disciplines, as models and means for performances;


to identify and enhance gifted and talented students and/or teachers with opportunities to participate in FJU radio and tv programs, exhibitions, international academic exchange programs, FJU performance tours, internships with professionals in the field, and/or scholarships for further study in their accomplished field of interest; and

With the university mission statement in mind, Campus Chapel Hour Broadcasts in English as other Christian schools. )

(6) 優秀師生和商業、教育、藝術與娛樂部門的接觸。

to enhance student and/or teacher cultural and financial perspectives through contact with the professional world of commerce, education, arts, and entertainment.



EXISTING FEATURES (classes and department programs) with a combination of English and performance, computer-assisted learning, and other media:

English Department Curriculum

Performing Arts class 3 credits

American Musical Theater class 3 credits

English Department Drama Performances

Senior Play 1 credit

Annual Play 0 credit

Mass Communications Department

Sophomore Play 2 credit

Media English 2 credit

General Education: Freshman English Reading/ English Listening

Existing features from Music Department and other departments TBA



項目 總預算 5,640,000

1.英語話劇暑假營隊 700,000

ELT Summer Tour

2.校園英語劇場網路 320,000

FJU English Language Theater

on the Internet (40th Anniversary 1965-2005)

3. 校園新生,英語乾杯 140,000

Toastmaster Orientation

4. 英語「劇」(/)點,秀場擂台 500,000

English Corners

5.英語卓越教學工作坊 940,000

Excellence English Pilot Workshops and

TV/Webcasts with ELT and Collaborative Arts

6英語劇場沙龍 1,800,000

Theatre Salon

7.輔仁溯源,英語史劇 1,000,000

FJU Documentary Radio Drama

8.輔仁雙語文化論壇 220,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(1) INNOVATION 1

** 英語話劇暑假營隊 ELT Summer Tour

(1) 內容說明:

為突顯輔仁英語教學卓越和輔仁英語校園的訴求,計畫呈現年度英語劇場成果英文系年度大戲英語話劇Approaching Zanzibar, 能夠走出台灣,至北京進行實地演出。這項活動可以彰顯輔仁大學英語教育如何結合戲劇、文化元素的卓越特性,並嘗試與中國大陸的語言訓練進行交流活動,爾後 可以透過建構完成的英語話劇網站「輔仁沙龍」進行多邊交流。同時,由於活動企畫和執行均全由輔大師生完成,也替輔大各相關語言科系、共同外語科大一英文等 教學課程,提供可供參考、訪效的內容。

ELT Summer Play Tour to Beijing, English Department Annual Play, Approaching Zanzibar

(2) 時間:

OO五年六或七月,為期一週,劇目為英語劇場Approaching Zanzibar.

Schedule: June or July, 2005 (1 week) ELT production, Approaching Zanzibar

人員 Personnel

導演施琳達 Director/Designer: Llyn Scott

領隊外語學院院長康士林 Travel Supervisor: CFLL Dean

二位攝影助理 2 Camera technicians

22位英語系同學 22 English Department students

時間:六月二十六日起(或七月十至十六日) Schedule: June 26-July or July 10-16, 2005

(3) 預算 Budget 700,000


項目 Item 數額Amount

計畫主持人 Llyn Scott and Bro. Koss 20,000

飛機票26 26 Airfares 400,000

行李 Airport fees (luggage) 20,000

製作宣傳資 Production materials 40,000

地面交通費 Ground Transportation 20,000

膳宿費用 Food and Lodging 100,000

錄影與攝影 Video taping and Photography 25,000

專輯製作 DVD/VCD editing and copying 55,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 20,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(2) INNOVATION 2

** 校園英語劇場網路

FJU English Language Theater on the Internet (40th Anniversary 1965-2005)

(1) 輔仁英語校園劇場的數位歷史暨專書出版

以互動網站連接到同學的感官經驗,建構獨一無二的英語影像互動經驗,呈現1965至今四十年來所有理圖校園劇場的展演歷史紀錄;其中更包括1991年以來二十五場精采演出實錄 (由英語系、百鍊中心、校外演出)


Digital FJU ELT Online Chronology and ELT Anniversary Book Publication

Launch play production history through video/audio clips, posters, and programs for all the English language productions beginning in 1965, with an in-depth visualization of 25+ outstanding productions since 1991, plus texts and video of recent theatre symposiums with professional guest speakers, including excerpts from the FJU international theater, opera, and dance conference at the China Times Center in 1997, selections from the upcoming publication of the FJU English Language Theater anniversary book of essays by former FJU professors who directed play productions in the English Department and special article on space for ELT by the theatre architect who designed the Arens Theater and College Theater.


所有資料均已妥善蒐集齊備。大量 平面和影像資料經過適當處理,即可建檔陳列,企畫以互動式多媒體網站呈現。透過網站架構和維護,可以建立一個由輔大歷年來師生共創的校園核心英語戲劇文化 資料庫,引發師生共創學和習互動的最佳示範成果,強化對西方文化素養的學習動力,藉以突顯並持續活化輔大這項難得且獨特的優秀傳統。


All materials are on-hand. Some articles and pictures need to be scanned and/or digitally photographed. DVD copies need to be edited to create video/audio clips.

Webmaster and professors-in-charge will design and launch the Website



Schedule: September to October, 2005

Online Webpage with Virtual Chronology Completion by September 2005

ELT Anniversary Book Publication by November 2005

(4) 預算 Budget: 320,000.

項目 Item 數額Amount

計畫主持人 Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 20,000

專書撰文 Book contributors 70,000

專書主編與校對 Book Editor/Proofreader 20,000

軟體程式 Software program 10,000

網站架設與維護 Webmaster 15,000

秘書助理 Secretarial Support 20,000

翻譯服務 Translation Services 10,000

交通費 Transportation 5,000

錄影與攝影 Video Camera, Photography 15,000

印刷費 Printing and Copying 5,000

封面設計 Book Cover Design and Graphics 25,000

出版費 ELT Book Publication by FJU Press 75,000

新聞發佈 Press Conference and Symposium 30,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 20,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台(3) INNOVATION 3

**校園新生,英語乾杯 Toastmaster Orientation


ELT Support for Freshman Orientation Programs Pilot Program

(1)結合全球知名的「國際健談社」(Toastmaster International)利用新生訓練機會,以英語短劇、劇場遊戲等方式,讓新生立即感受到英語環境的活潑氣氛,藉此也宣導各種校園內的英語資源。提供資詢服務,幫助各個參與系所的學會、系上老師進行英語溝通。

ELT and Customized ½ Day Freshman Orientation Camp to English language and communication arts for ONE sample university department outside the CFLL

1. Plan a performance for any department Freshman Orientation

2. Teach English Conversation through theater games and improvisations

3. Facilitate English interaction opportunities between new students, student leaders, and teachers customized by department needs and goals

4. Design and administer feedback questionnaires to use in future ELT support plans

(2) 時程:200510月。 Schedule: October, 2005

相關系所。Facilities: On Site with participating departments

(3) 預算 Budget: 140,000


項目 Item 數額Amount

主持人 Albert Tang, Llyn Scott 20,000

英語健談社成員 and Toastmaster (Sterling Hsiao or Steve Tung) 10,000

2位顧問 2 ELT Consultants/Facilitators 10,000

英語健談社費用 Toastmaster Facilitator Fee 5,000

助理費 2 ELT Student Assistants Fee 5,000

錄影費用 Video camera staff 20,000

光碟製作費 DVD/VCD editing and copies 10,000

設備租用 Equipment Rental 5,000

教材 Teaching Materials 10,000

翻譯費 Translation Services 5,000

工作坊資料 Workshop Materials 10,000

交通費 Transportation 5,000

點心膳食費 Food and water 5,000

印刷費 Printing/Copying 10,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 10,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台() INNOVATION 4

** 英語「劇」(/據)點,秀場擂台 English Corners

*English Corners: 英語角落、英語小棧、英語劇點(結合校園「劇」場的概念)


ELT and Excellence Program Series for seven 20-minute Pilot shows called English Corners with ELT and MC Hosts for new FJU Radio/Webcast programming.

(1) 節目一Program 1


邀請教師來到英語劇點現身說法,以英語談談他/她 們自己,舉凡嗜好、研究、或者針對比較受到大眾關注的議題提出看法。內容上應該比較輕鬆、節奏快、而具有優默感。主持人事先需與受訪者充份溝通,照顧到節 目的變化性和個別特性,讓老師的特殊嗜好和才藝受到注意。所有輔大教師同仁都歡迎參與。個別系所可以藉此增加曝光程度。

English Corners for Teacher Talk Show where teachers talk about themselves, hobbies, research, and give opinions about lively topics of public interest. Content should be light and fast-paced with humor. Hosts will prime interviewees with questions beforehand and strive for variety and personality. All FJU teachers and staff are welcome to participate. Individual departments and colleges will receive more visibility as a result. Hosts will highlight unusual hobbies and talents of teachers.

(2) 節目二Program 2


English Corners for Student Opinions Hosts will take submissions from student groups to appear on the show to exchange opinions. Invitations will depend on online registration, quality of topics, and brief English interview prior to appearing on the show.

(3)節目三Program 3



English Corners for English Learners Call-in Talk Show Hosts will introduce a volunteer teacher in any of the English language related professions from composition, conversation, and public speaking to theatre and literature. After a brief introduction of the teacher’s expertise, FJU student listeners may call or email in for an immediate answer to their questions on the air.

(4) 節目四Program 4



English Corners for English Beginning Language Readers Host will introduce a professional reader on a commercial recording and teacher guest will coach listeners on key oral English elements such as phrasing, breathing, inflection, vocal quality, and interpretation. Texts will be online so that listeners may read as well as listen to the reader. (I recorded about 50 readings for Beatrice Hsu and another teacher a couple of years ago and these may still be on the Web as a resource.)

(5) 節目五Program 5



English Corners Onsite Radio Interviews focusing on success testimonies from spokespersons for whom performance and English proficiency made their career. *With call-in Q & A in English for language development

(6) 節目六Program 6





English Corners Chapel Host will introduce inspirational speakers from among the FJU religious community to present 20-minute devotions or Bible reading. The FJU President will be invited to speak periodically, such as once a month and other speakers may volunteer from among the faculty and administration. The show will be accompanied by a sample of church music.

Schedule: Shows recorded a month in advance; launch November 2005 and run through FJU Anniversary/Alumni Weekend in December

Facilities: SF MMC Recording Studios and FJU Radio Studio

(7) 節目七Program 7


結合英語劇點「跨領域」對話的理念,邀請不同學科背景的教師進行深入淺出的對話;一位代表語言和文學領域,另一位代表集體藝術。舉例來說,英語系教師Joseph Murphy可以和某位景觀系教師進行座談,一起討論「美國文學中的空間景觀」。聽眾可以透過線上留言和電子郵件提出評論和問題。

English Corners on Collaborative Arts is a Pilot show featuring dialogs between two FJU teachers representing two different disciplines, one from language and literature-related fields and the other representing collaborative arts. A sample of this format would be a dialog between professors Joseph Murphy and a professor from the department of Landscape Architecture discussing Landscape in American literature. Also, listeners will be invited to write-in comments and questions from online.

預算 Budget 500,000


項目 Item 數額Amount

計畫主持 Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 20,000

節目主持人 Hosts: Llyn Scott, Albert Tang, Sr. Agathe Bramkamp 30,000

網站架設維護 Webmaster 20,000

錄影人員 Video camera crew 35,000

聲控人員 Microphone and audio crew 35,000

來賓車馬費 Speaker honoraria (7 Pilot Shows) 40,000

撰稿和翻譯費 Writing and Translation Services 35,000

後製工程 Post Production Engineering 70,000

電話扣應 Telephone call-in technicians 10,000

攝影 Photographer 10,000

電腦程式 Computer programming 10,000

錄影和照片資料 Video and photography materials 10,000

租用費用 Rental fees 25,000

聲音音樂版權 Sound and Music copyright materials fees 25,000

交通費 Transportation 5,000

印刷費 Printing and Copying 20,000

光碟設計 CD design and sleeve notes 20,000

光碟印刷 CD publishing 40,000

記者會 Press conferences and protocol 20,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 20,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台() INNOVATION 5


Excellence English Pilot Workshops and TV/Webcasts with ELT and Collaborative Arts


FJU Cable/Web-TV and live ELT and Collaborative Arts Winterim* Workshops


3 Levels of Pilot Workshops, Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced, will be held for students, teachers, and staff on a trial basis in the 2005 fall term. With support, these will continue possibly as a Winterim-term in the future. Winterim means the 4 weeks in between fall and spring semesters. If the university adopts a tri-mester year, these kinds of workshops could sandwich in between spring and fall, too.)

(1) 初級入門(部份內容可以考慮雙語呈現)

Level 1 – Introductory

a. 以影像播出/ 教導角色扮演的基本要素,互動式複習和學習效果自我檢測。每集30分鍾,可供有線電視和網站播出。

Broadcast Workshops on Fundamentals of Role-Play/Acting with a focus on the relationship between performer and audience for entertainment and educational applications (Teaching Team: ELT teacher, MC teacher, guest artist)

*With Interactive review and self-testing for English language development online with Webcast

Video Tape 30-minute Pilot Workshop for TV/Webcasting

b. 以錄影網站和電視節目等方式,對商業管理、舞台表演等主題,進行口語訓練,強調英語表達的聲音和語彙使用。講師來源包括校園英語劇場、音樂聲音訓練、健談社。每集30分鍾,可供有線電視和網站播出。

Broadcast Pilot Workshop in Speech Training for teachers, speakers, stage performers, and singers with an emphasis on voice and diction for English language learners (Teaching team: ELT teacher, Music Voice teacher, Toastmaster)

*With Interactive review and self-testing for English language development

online with Webcast

Video tape 30-minute Pilot Workshop for TV/Webcasting


Broadcast Pilot Workshop on Body Language for teachers, speakers, stage performers, singers, and models with an emphasis on performance situations in English language contexts from stage acting to fashion show runway

(Teaching Team: ELT teacher, guest artist dancer, Textile and Fashion Design College teacher)

*With Interactive review and self-testing for English language development

online with Webcast

Video tape 30-minute Body Language Pilot Workshop for TV/Webcasting


Broadcast Pilot Workshop Saturday Morning Live in the College Theater for group of 15 teachers and students. ELT support for instruction in performance building games, group problem-solving, performance protocol, and Individual and group improvisational performances. Goals are spontaneity, thinking in English, expressiveness and inventiveness

Video tape Pilot Workshops, 9:00 to 12:00 for TV/Webcast followed by a video taped Jury Response and Critique of Workshop dynamics

(Facilitators: Llyn Scott, 2 Jury collaborative arts teachers, 2 teaching assistants)

(2) 中級進階

Level 2 – Pilot Intermediate Level Program with collaborative arts content for FJU Club programs. ELT support for FJU Club all-English activities






Step One: Broadcast Workshop in how to use specialized areas from among the collaborative arts for more in-depth experience and organization.

Step Two: Follow up with Broadcast of the actual English activity as it was implemented.

Step Three: Conclude with Jury Critique of the Workshop and actual activity.

(Facilitators: Llyn Scott, Albert Tang, 2 Jury teachers, 1 teaching assistant)

(3) 高級

Level 3 – ELT Advanced for collaborative arts content and Showcase*

提升績效/ 表演的質,採取媒體或影像方式,進行視覺藝術展演。譬如,輔仁大學中世紀聖誕戲劇演出,一週持續每天戶外演出。另外包括前兩個階段的元素,再加上更多集體共創藝術、試鏡、採排、演出等部份。


*FJU Medieval Christmas Play Pageant (see Budget explanation) one week nightly outdoor pageant

*Includes material covered in Levels 1-2 and adds ingredients of collaborative arts, auditions, rehearsal, production, and performance.

Schedule October to December:

Facilities: College Theatre, Arens Theatre, MMC Studio, FJU Radio Studio

(4) 預算 Budget 940,000


項目 Item 數額Amount

工作坊人員 Webcast Workshops Personnel:

作者/導播 Writer/Directors: Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 20,000

協助教師 Teacher Facilitators 20,000

教師評審 Teacher Jury 10,000

助理 Teaching assistants 10,000

聲控 3 Sound Recording Technicians fees 30,000

舞台監督 2 Stage Managers 10,000

網站工程 2 Web engineers 10,000

錄影 2 Camera crew members 20,000

翻譯費 Translation Fees 10,000

誤餐費 Food and water 10,000

教學資料 Teaching materials 10,000

印刷費 Printing/Copying 10,000

光碟製作拷貝 DVD Post Production and Copies 60,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 10,000

小計 subtotal 240,000

聖誕展演 Christmas Pageant Production


項目 Item 數額Amount

人事費 Personnel

導演/ 製作 Llyn Scott, Albert Tang 40,000

25位演員/舞者費用 25 Christmas Pageant FJU Actor/Dancer Fees 25,000

5位音樂人員 5 Pageant Musician Fees 15,000

1位動物訓練費用 1 Pageant Animal Trainer Fees 5,000

道具媒體設計 Pageant Set/Media Designer Fees 5,000

服裝設計 Pageant Costumer Designer Fee 5,000

燈光設計 Pageant Lighting Designer Fee 5,000

錄影與攝影 Pageant Camera and video taping Crew Fees 60,000

製作 Production:

場景製作費用 Pageant Scenic Materials Production Cost 50,000

服裝製作 Pageant Costume Construction 50,000

燈光和聲音媒體租用Pageant Lighting and Sound Media rental 25,000

戶外舞台租用 1 Week Outdoor Pageant Stage rental 10,000

戶外媒體銀幕投影 1 Week Outdoor Media Screen and Projections rental 10,000

編寫和翻譯費 Writing and Translation Services 25,000

交通費 Transportation 25,000

印刷費 Printing/Copying (Posters, programs, Souvenir book) 200,000

光碟後製和拷貝 DVD/VCD Post Production and Copies 100,000

記者會 Press Conference 25,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 20,000

小計 subtotal 700,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台() INNOVATION 6

英語劇場沙龍 Theatre Salon

主題 Theme



ELT College Theatre Archive, 1st Floor Language and Science Library


ELT Interactive Exhibition Gallery, 1st Floor Lobby of College Theatre

(1) 以海報、服裝、佈景、化妝等方式呈現藝術作、相關表演訊息。(雙語)

Wall-mounted play poster display, student and/or teacher costume, scenery or make-up art renderings for plays in the College Theater, and upcoming performance photos exhibition

(2) 數位劇場:網站內容涵括過往戲劇製作成果

Computer/projector Virtual Theater exhibition featuring visual from

plays included in the online College Theater Chronology of past productions

(3) 錄影訪談:訪問傑出藝術領域的校友,以劇場管理、導演、劇本寫作、燈光設計、演出等為主題。

Video Interviews with outstanding FJU alumni in collaborative arts fields:

Theater management, theater directing, playwriting, lighting design, acting, and others


Play Station for Create Your Own Play Production (software available)


*Write your own 10-minute play with Given Properties

*Design your own set, costumes, lighting, and sound

*Block your own play like a professional stage director

*Rewrite the ending of stock mystery theater plays (scripts available)

(5) 戲劇作的窗口

Gallery Monitors featuring Live Video of rehearsals, classes, and performances on stage in the College Theater

(6) 影像作製作指南

Video Play Production teaching guides for College Theater groups and classes

How to use the Sound Control Room

How to use the Light Control Room

How to apply stage make-up

How to check out costumes

(7) 校園文化活動資訊的傳遞(雙語)

FJU Campus Weekly Cultural Events Information Center with online service


Schedule July to December


Facilities: 1st Floor Science Library, College Theater

預算 Budget: 1,800,000


項目 Item 數額Amount

人事費用 Personnel:

計畫主持 Design/Directors: Albert Tang, Llyn Scott 30,000

劇場負責人費用 Theater Coordinator FJU Salary 60,000

電腦程式設計 Computer Programmer 20,000辦公室人員 2 Office Staff (July to January) 130,000虛擬劇場導覽 Virtual Theatre Curator, 6-month full-time manager 180,000

錄影指導 Video Taping Instruction video tapes 50,000

光碟編輯出版 VCD and DVD editing and copying 30,000

輔大文化新聞記者 FJU Culture News Reporter/Programmer 20,000

攝影 Photographer 10,000

軟體程式設計 Software programs 10,000

翻譯費 Translation Services 50,000

展場資料 Exhibition Display Materials 100,000

交通費 Transportation 10,000

印刷費 Printing/Copying 40,000

新聞發佈記者會 Press Conference and Launch 40,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 20,000

理圖迴廊重新佈置 Lobby/Gallery/Restrooms renovation costs 1,000,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台() INNOVATION 7

輔仁溯源,英語史劇 FJU Documentary Radio Drama

(1) 不同於以往的英語版本的校史簡介,輔仁英語劇場將以「輔大校史」為背景,製播一部三十分鐘長度的英語歷史話劇,另外也包括三十分鍾的相關人物訪談。計畫於2005年本校慶祝建校80週年活動中開播。廣播劇的劇本和訪談專書也計畫於2006年一月出版。

ELT support will produce a FJU 30-minute Radio Documentary Play accompanied by 30-minute historian interview to launch December Alumni Weekend, December 2005; Souvenir Book publication to follow in January 2006

(2) 優秀的大學都擁有優秀的劇場,這部輔仁歷史英語廣播劇將以《荷蘭時期台灣人傳說》(Tales of Dutch Formosa)(施琳達與中央廣播電台的節目)製播水準為標竿,重新建立輔仁校史的英文傳說。在輔仁大學的建立過程中,不管是大陸或在台時期,將以英語話劇娓娓道出其中重要的故事轉折,呈現其中不為人知的辛酸和為人稱頌的勝利果實。


Great universities have great dramas and the FJU documentary play will be modeled after RTI Tales of Dutch Formosa. This documentary play will be based upon the international and mainly English language story of one key turning point in the establishment of FJU. It will uncover heroes and tell their stories of hardships and victories.


Production Plan for 30-minute documentary play and 30-minute historian interview

Followed by Souvenir Book Publication


校史資料 Research FJU historical materials July – Sept

安排訪談 Arrange historian Interviews September

劇本完成 Complete radio documentary play script October 1

演員試音 Audition FJU students and teachers to be Voice Actors September

演員錄音 Cast Voice Actor Roles from FJU university community October 1

音效和音樂 Prepare Sound Effects and Music October

播音訓練 Coach Voice Actors October

排演和錄音 Rehearsal and Recording Sessions November

進行訪談 Conduct Historian Interview November

後製 Post-Production November


Radio Broadcast/Webcast launch FJU Alumni Weekend

專書出版 Book Publication January 2006

設備 Facilities: FJU MMC / Radio Taiwan International studios

(4)預算 Budget: 1,000,000


項目 Item 數額Amount

人事費用 Personnel

二位作者/導播 2 Writer/Directors (Tang, Scott) 50,000

三位史實故問 3 Historian Consultants 50,000

三位助理(3個月) 3 Office staff (3 months) 75,000

二位攝影 2 photographers 20,000

一位聲音訓練師 1 Voice Coach fee 10,000

二位聲控 2 Sound Technicians 20,000

二位錄影 2 Video Camera technicians 20,000音樂製作 FJU Musician fees 50,000

聲音演出費 FJU Voice Actor fees 50,000

訪問費用 Historian Interviewer fees 10,000

受訪費用 Historian Interviewee fee 5,000

錄音工程 Recording Studio Fee 100,000

後製工程費用 Post Production Engineer Fee 50,000

翻譯費 Translation fees 30,000

編輯費用 Editor fee 25,000

製作期間膳食費 Food/Water for Recording Sessions 20,000

特效和音樂版權費Sound Effects and Copyrighted Music Fees 50,000

拷貝費用 Copying 10,000

交通費 Transportation 30,000

郵費 Postage 10,000

記者會費用 Publicity Launch with Press Conference 50,000

專書暨光碟出版 Souvenir Book Publication with CDs 245,000

雜支 Miscellaneous 20,000

輔仁校園劇場,共創英語舞台() INNOVATION 8


ELT support for Pilot Program Excellence English World of Ideas Series

(1) 以「校園劇場」為基礎,設立輔仁大學雙語文化論壇,運用主持人和媒體(如中央廣播電台Radio Taiwan International)等既有聯繫,接觸娛樂組織、文化機構、和其它大學等單位,獲知即將前來訪問台灣的知名講者和文化人士。擬採取特別講座的方式,在百鍊展演中心和會議中心,安排適當互動性座談。

FJU Culture Forum will contact entertainment organizations, culture offices, other universities to find out what famous speakers and cultural figures are visiting Taiwan. FJU will seek to schedule an appearance and presentation for FJU English World of Ideas Series to be held in the SF Arens Theater and Conference Center. If permissible, ticket sales will be promoted.


Schedule: 2 dates in Fall term TBA

(3) 預算 Budget: 220,000


項目 Item 數額Amount

人員 Personnel

計畫執行 Program Coordinators: Tang and Scott 20,000

助理 Secretarial staff 10,000

司儀和主持工作 Master of Ceremony and Host 10,000

錄影小組 Video camera crew 10,000

攝影師 Photographer 10,000

場地租用 Venue rental 20,000

口譯費 Interpreters 20,000

協調費用 Protocol 10,000

海報 Publicity (poster, program) 30,000

交通費 Transportation 10,000

出席費 2 Celebrities 70,000